Currimundi Recreational Camp

Currimundi Recreational Camp




Currimundi Recreational Camp B Redevelopment



The redevelopment of Currimundi Active Recreation Centre’s Camp B promotes a recreational facility with a relaxed coastal feel, catering for multiple groups including schools, family, corporate, community and tourist groups. Acknowledging the existing masterplan, the redevelopment has retained extensive vegetation and a distinct feel for each of the camps precincts. The new Camp B accommodation, External Dining structure, Transit Centre and Dining Hall refurbishment provides a contemporary design referencing its context through scale, materiality and form. The large, floating roof structure of the Transit Centre provides the site’s arrival and forms the primary threshold to the Centre with a direct connection to the External Dining Structure providing the hearth to the Camp B precinct. Invested in the coastal vernacular of building types of the Sunshine Coast, the accommodation buildings all have generous overhanging skillion roofs, permitting maximum ventilation and natural, indirect light into the internal spaces. The layouts incorporate unenclosed circulation and breezeways and acknowledge the coastal environment requirements for durable, robust, corrosion resistant materials.